L´earning to Love
Gloria Ornelas Hall
is a word introduced into the English language during the Middle Ages, from the
French, meaning cheri- dear. This
lovely word of ‘endearment’ evokes the sweetness of cherries, the tenderness of
fondness and that romantic song the 60’s http://youtu.be/cCEVwtIPAlU.
When I sit
in silence with my chest of memories evoking images that I can feel, smell and
taste all over again, I have to go through them and throw away the ones that
hurt, before being able to cherish them. It’s a process, similar to that of cleaning
out the memory in my computer. It is as simple as ‘deleting’; much easier said
than done. ‘Letting go’ to ‘forget’ requires detachment and re-engineering of the
wiring in meanings.
I’ll give
an example from one of my patients, a young woman repeatedly punishing herself
with the painful reminder of a past abortion. She couldn’t accept it or get it
out of her mind. We went over the many ways that decision had changed her life,
rescuing the alter benefits she had
had, such as her career and financial success. She had in fact, married a
wonderful man with a son from another marriage. Trying to piece the
synchronicity of her life ‘re-member-ing’ isolated events and re-engineering new
meanings into the flow of events, we realized that her step-son was engendered
around the date of her failed pregnancy. She came to terms with that amazing
coincidence giving significance to the possibility of destiny playing a role in
her life as a mother. She chose to believe that perhaps it was the same ‘soul’.
It didn’t matter if it was true or not, or if it made any sense to those around
her. It made her feel better with herself and that made all the difference. She
could let go of her self-destructive remorse and love again.
The word ‘memory’
comes from the lat. -mem- which is a
unit of stored information. Electric impulses literally form DNA with the
protein coding of our ‘memories’, in neurons of the human cortex. These are
stored as disarticulate ‘bits’ of information. When we retrieve a memory we ‘re-member’
the isolated parts of the input and give it a personal subjective meaning. This
pattern of inter-connected neurons can be rearranged by will, through conscious
decision-making and cropping. This is the principle behind neuro- linguistic
programming. We decide what we think. We create our own meanings.Now, the axons and dendrites leading to these memory-neurons are activated from the skin, with muscular and skeletal response related to them. We can release the energy trapped in pain through touch and movement. Massage, dancing, love-making all give relief, through release.
After choosing
to let go of the memories that hurt, I can focus on those that make me re-live
moments of love. This endearing re-experiencing generates new love which can be
channeled to emanate good-will and direct well-wishing to our loved ones. This
type of envisioning can envelop our cherished ones, through time and distance,
with re-kindled, unconditional love.
Try it!
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