L´earning to Love
Gloria Ornelas Hall
“Praised be the three aims of life, virtue (Dharma), prosperity (Artha),
and love (Kama)”. This is the introductory invocation in the Kamasutra. It goes
on saying “Love is necessary to satisfy the mind; ethics, to satisfy the
conscience; and spiritual seeking for peace of soul. Without food and clothes,
the body becomes thin and weak. Without eroticism, the mind become restless and
unsatisfied. Without virtue (ethics), the conscience goes astray. Without
spirituality, the soul is degraded.” Thus, Master Vatsyayana describes the
science of moral eroticism, leading to spiritual realization and not the sating
of the passions or the encouragement of pleasure seekers.
Whether love surges from an abstract ideal or from a feeling or passion,
it is manifest in the body. If there is no body there is no Eros (living vital
energy). As a Science, eroticism follows natural laws; as a spiritual guideline
it is a path of human development where “I”, becomes “We”. It all starts with
the body and its senses.Twitter wisdom says that without loving oneself, one cannot love another. However, it’s worse.…if I don´t like my body I will reject anyone who comes close, doubting his intentions, which I defensively see as malicious. In a society where the cult for a perfect body makes people spend fortunes for the physical torture of re-designing one’s body, it is hard to accept, much more, love one´s imperfections.

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