L´earning to Love
Gloria Ornelas Hall
One of the questions I have no clear answer for, is ‘when to
speak up’?
Having studied Communications I know that we are each
responsible for the effects that our words unchain. The Bible warns us that
‘all evil comes from the mouth’ and that the big challenge, in loving, is to curb
destructive words before we say them.
In this new age of communication where technology spurs
messages exponentially, the risk of wrong-doing is even greater. Gossip has
become a widespread sport, spreading criticism, back-stabbing, cynicism and
defamation. This dissipation fills the media promoting superficiality, vanity,
ego-trips and doubt. No one believes in anything or anyone anymore. Instead of
a spontaneous, uninhibited, authentic response, we react defensively attacking,
before even giving relationships, a chance.
The axiom of old that admonished ‘never to speak, unless
spoken to’ has a point. Not as repression, but as self-restraint, suggesting we
take time before speaking, so as to think out and filter our words. I know in
politics it works: ‘don´t give your opinion, unless asked for ’. People in
power, bosses and supervisors hate to be told off. When in doubt, ‘shut up’.
Stages of personal development would have us first, learn to be quiet; then, practice speaking the Truth (not necessarily subjective reality) with courage enough to speak out in indignation; and finally, chose to speak only ‘kindness’.
I find touch is truer to its message. It is more reliable to
trust what you feel. When there are no words for pain, touch the “ouch!” The
soothing reassurance of a hand on the shoulder, unravels meanings unknown to
words. Healing touch has been a mother’s way of caressing a child’s wound,
better; a chaman’s way of cleansing the spirit in a body; a lover’s way of
saying ‘I love you’. No strings attached, no conditions, just the soft,
reassuring warmth of love. Music can do it too. Meaning then, has a chance to
be jointly enhanced, both by the sender and the receiver.
Just the other day, while in bed with a stomach ache, my cat
crawled on top of me, laying instinctively exactly where it hurt, seemingly
absorbing the pain. I immediately felt better. I knew Egyptians kept cats as
healers, assisting priests when curing an illness, but had never believed it.
Perhaps I too, can touch someone, better and avoid the risk of hurting others
with my words.
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P.D. Writing love letters is another way of being True to
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